I am starting off with some pretty golden-hued tomato blooms.
The annuals and some perennial plants in my garden are in bloom now.
Beautiful violet daisy-like blooms of Brachycome
Blue flowers of Lobellia Hybrid
Fuschias-My favourite blooms. I love the way the petals look like delicately draped cloth.
Violas in bloom but some are already forming seeds. I hope some of these self-seed for next year.
Viola Seeds
Sweet smelling Alyssum.
The red and pink of my garden-Dianthus and Salvia. Hopes of attracting some beautiful butterflies.
Veronica "Royal Candles. I love the blue candle-like blooms. This a summer blooming perennial which does not mind a little shade.
Perennial Iberis-This plant is a real survivor. I had planted this last year and it did well. But during winter, while clearing the snow it got uprooted and I didnt notice that until all the snow had melted in early spring. I replanted it with little hope and it didnt show any signs of life until a few weeks ago. And behold, there are blooms now. Kudos to the power of nature, thanks Iberis.
And finally the proud stately Columbines. Last of the blooms, I think they maybe a spring blooming perennial.