Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day happens on the 15th of every month and was started by Carol of May Dreams Garden. This is my first Bloom Day on my blog. Check out her blog for all the blooms in the bloggers' gardens.
I am starting off with some pretty golden-hued tomato blooms.
The annuals and some perennial plants in my garden are in bloom now.
Beautiful violet daisy-like blooms of Brachycome
Blue flowers of Lobellia Hybrid
Fuschias-My favourite blooms. I love the way the petals look like delicately draped cloth.
Violas in bloom but some are already forming seeds. I hope some of these self-seed for next year.
Viola Seeds
Sweet smelling Alyssum.
The red and pink of my garden-Dianthus and Salvia. Hopes of attracting some beautiful butterflies.
Veronica "Royal Candles. I love the blue candle-like blooms. This a summer blooming perennial which does not mind a little shade.
Perennial Iberis-This plant is a real survivor. I had planted this last year and it did well. But during winter, while clearing the snow it got uprooted and I didnt notice that until all the snow had melted in early spring. I replanted it with little hope and it didnt show any signs of life until a few weeks ago. And behold, there are blooms now. Kudos to the power of nature, thanks Iberis.
And finally the proud stately Columbines. Last of the blooms, I think they maybe a spring blooming perennial.
Very nice, and great to see a novice gardener blog. You're obviously doing very well. Cheers/Yvonne